These are the ways we are learning about math and social studies lately. Laura has managed to defeat us for a second time in a row at monopoly. Although this is a terrible blow to our pride we take it as an excellent lesson in counting by tens, hundreds and thousands for our six year old. She loves the excitement of the game (honestly, she is fierce) and happens to have amazing good luck. Such as landing in the free parking space any time there's money on it!

Laura and Timmy made lemonade for our garage sale this weekend and sold it at .50 p/cup. After reaching a whooping amount of $4.50 Laura has decided that she needs a cut of the garage sale income as her payment for having so many things that used to be hers in the sale. I thing this monopoly thing is really sinking in!
What about social studies?Besides from reading "Story of the world" and following their activities, we try to include

our community in our lives. Laura recently made a thank you card for the fire department during one of her Daisy Girl scouts meetings. She went with James for a tour of the fire station and hand delivered the card to the firemen. This visit was specially important for our family because JB's dad (Ronnie Brown) used to be a Firehouse Captain in Texas. We then assembled our Playmobile fire house at home. It was interesting to hear Laura play with her firemen toys, knowing how the station works and what everyone's job is about. She is now very exited about adding the fire engine to her fire station set.
What about "Stella"? My friend questioned me this weekend. What about the individual, the person I am without any others, the ME, myself and I? where is she in this homeschooling enterprise?
Stella is very fine and happy right now. Stella is at ease knowing that she can be with her daughter, facilitate answers to her questions, enjoy her time seeing her grow and knowing that there is nothing else in the world that she would rather do at this moment in her life. Stella is balanced, at ease, eager to learn, calm, attentive, supportive and happy. Stella is for once in a very long time, living without regrets and guilt of not being there enough for the most important people in her life: her husband and daughter. In other words Stella couldn't be happier right now! well...except for a few extra pounds, which is a pretty minor complaint when one looks at the the whole picture.
Up to now and without difficulty I can tell you that this is the most gratifying "job" I have applied myself to do in the last few years. Ever since Laura was born it has been my worry to try and balance being a mother and a professional, no matter at what. I changed my entire career path from animation to early childhood education in order to supposedly spend more time with my daughter. I have earned a new degree and worked in a number of exceptional educational facilities (while my daughter was cared for by others) all to realize that I still wanted to give my family more of me.
My daughter's development and upbringing has been my utmost priority since the moment I knew I was pregnant. It seems that for once, now that she is six and we are homeschooling, I don't have to worry about trying to find a job that would be rewarding and still allow me to spend time with my family. It feels great.
People are worried that once she "leaves the nest" I will have nothing left. I know for a fact that can never be because no matter how far she is, I will always have my everyday with her in my heart and the assurance of doing the best I could at the most challenging "job" in my life. Yes, I may end up being a little rusty in my drawing and painting. So what? I'll have plenty of time in the future to pick it up where I left it. It is in me. Not borrowed or lost. My art can never be gone from me, as my daughter can never take a second place in my life. No matter how unbalanced that may look to others, I accept it as my truth and enjoy living it everyday. Best of all, one feeds the other constantly.
Thanks for asking!