Our late outing last night helped us sleep in until 10 am today. The kids were playing Monopoly when I came downstairs. I have been carting these two "poor" kids around so much that I've hardly had time to stock our kitchen so we had breakfast at the bagel Chateau in downtown Maplewood. They then decided to stay at the toy store while I visited the post office and grocery store nearby.
After breakfast and toy shop we headed to the Main library where I took out a few books for them to do their report about hot air balloons and the materials used to make them. They will be giving an oral presentation to their fellow homeschooling friends tomorrow, when we will meet at a county fair nearby to enjoy a tether balloon ride. They are working on the presentation together, taking turns to write their information and using books and internet resources for research.
So we had a quiet day filled mostly of reading and writing with breaks for monopoly, lunch, dinner, and one hour of TV. This was much to the kids' regret, as they tried to convince me to take them to a lake, beach or pool instead of staying at home (specially after I reminded them about their report). They charged on, worked on it and are now eager to finish and present their findings.
Then hubby treated us to late-night ice cream at the village, where we got to walk the quiet streets in the warmth of the night and window shop a bit.
The day is now coming to an end and the kids are determined to get up early to finish their presentation.
So good night to all! tomorrow will be another busy (and fun) day!