WE got going a little late in the day so everything happened a bit later than planned. Still, we enjoyed a good day full of activities.
After a good night's rest and breakfast we headed back to Pennsylvania as there were a few places that I wanted to make sure DF got to visit. We visited Ringing Rocks park and had our packed lunch there. DD took a moment to show us how to do the acorn whistle on our way to the rocks. DF had a lot of fun climbing the rocky landscape. I tried to do my best to find steady footing and hammer away on the rocks. It was unusual, educational, free and fun, so it was well worth the effort of getting there!
Luckily I kept my cool before our excursion and was pleasantly surprised when we reached the bottom. The caverns were immense, with beautiful color rock ceilings and walls sometimes over a hundred feet tall. There was also a crystal clear water pool that had a magical quality to it.
We were entertained by the creative story of a ghost, giant and dragon that the guide told us in order to explain some of the rock formations. The place was a pleasant relieve from the humidity and heat of the outside. DF just kept saying how much he wanted to live there. I agreed emphatically. It is beautiful country right outside the caverns. We learned about William Amos, the Pennsylvania Hermit and how he managed to live in the caverns for 19 years.
By the end of our caverns visit it was 6pm. Now we were ready to close the day with a bang: A surprise visit to Hershey Park, just a few minutes from the caverns. We purchased the twilight price tickets (half off) and the kids had a blast.
DF warned us that he would not go on any roller coaster, so of course, I was not surprised when he kept running up to ride the most fun roller coasters time after time (he had said the same about the diving board, the ocean and the lake). They also rode on The Falcon, The Howler, the Music Express and other fun rides.
We had a late night, leaving the park at closing time (10:00 pm) and arriving home at 1am! Luckily for the kids, they slept while I drove.
I think it is funny, how after such a day, I found DF's head planted on a book that he foolishly thought he could read for bedtime! Such is the force of a -good- habit, I guess.