After a short TV show we headed down for brunch at the cafe. The food was great! DF had a delicious crab omelet that he could not finish because it was too big!
Hubby is a history buff and was thoroughly surprised to see the sheer size of the battlefield grounds. I was most impressed with the cyclorama exhibit and the museum. It is not everyday that one gets to see a slave sale program with dozens of humans for sale, ranging from an 11 year old boy for $900 to a 27 year old woman for $1800. It broke my heart to see such items and brought me to tears to see the pain and sacrifice that took place during that time, by everyone. My visit was deeply personal an emotional, even though I was accompanied by my family and our friend, I think that each of us walked away with a very personal impression of the place.
The children found the cyclorama, cannons and battlefield to be the most unforgettable.
We got home late at night, loaded with information and unforgettable images recreated in our minds by seeing the place first hand and having stood where heroes of our nation's history have once walked.
Look for photos of the day added to the DF album on the right.