I thought the kids would sleep until mid-day but low and behold, the first thing I saw in the morning when I woke up at 8:30am was the two of them dressed and completely engrossed in reading their library books. Hey, I'm not complaining! They had a hearty breakfast, played Pokemon, rested and after lunch decided they wanted to go for a swim in a lake. Our family had discovered Sunrise Lake in one of our outings (only 30 minutes away) and DD wanted to share it with DF. So, we asked a few more friends to come along, packed the van and headed for the fun. Sunrise Lake is known for its "Wibbit", an inflatable water toy that kids love to play in. They all had a ton of fun and then some. They went on a row boat and after about 3 hours of lake play they were forced to come out because the life guards heard thunder. The lake was closed for 30 minutes so we just decided to leave.
After the lake, I discovered a small Colombian restaurant in Morristown that I could not pass, so we had a chicken soup, arepa, beef, beans and rice before heading to the movies. We watched the much awaited "Harry Potter 7" in 3D. Again, it was a late night but it was a fun one, so that's OK. That's just what vacation should be like right?